Tag Archives: vote

International Auto Show in New York

I have entered another contest and need everyone’s help!  If my car photo gets the most “likes” then I would be picked for an all expense paid trip to New York to photograph at the International Auto Show!  If you don’t know I grew up around cars and at the car shows.  I still won’t let people clean my car because….they don’t clean them how I was taught.  I helped my dad and his friends build a T-bucket, and I have been there when the car broke down and had to be towed to the nearest town.  I would love the opportunity to go to a show like this, especially to photograph at one.  Please follow the link below and “like” my photo!

Like my photo:  http://snapmylife.com/photos/1881511?page=1



Bridge photography contest

The ViewBug bridges photography contest is open for voting.  Please help me by voting for my image!  Click the “like” button on the right side of the page!


Image to vote for here this bridge at New River Gorge

New River Gorge Image