The winners of the Hallway Photo Contest on ViewBug were announced today. I did not win, however I did receive honorable mention!
The photo is below but you can also check it out on viewbug.
The additional information requested by an provided to ViewBug is as follows. Once I see the updates on their blog I will link to that as well.
1. Where did you take the photo and what equipment you used (be specific by giving us the technical details)?
Taken in Philly at Eastern State Penitentiary
Nikon D7000 18-105 f/3.5-5.6 lens
ISO 200 – no flash
exposure 1/10 sec at f/5.6
Altered in Lightroom, then made HDR using Photomatix
2. What inspired you to take that shot?
The entire place had a dirty/creepy feel to it but everything we toured through had been cleaned up and didn’t seem to show the history you felt. At the center there is a central point that 7 hallways all lead out from. One of them was completely barred off as they had not yet begun renovations on that hall. Pushing my lens through the bars to just get the hall, and not the bars, I finally saw what I had been feeling during the tour and took several shots. When editing the image I kept playing with turning it sepia or black and white. Nothing seemed to fit, then I happened upon the purple hue and it worked. It kept with the light and airy yet creepy feeling that I had when I was there.