I am one of those people that (oddly enough) is hesitant to take a picture if I’m not sure how it will turn out. Last weekend while in Canaan Valley West Virginia we visited SmokeHole Caverns. I finally decided to take a few shots that I wasn’t sure of. I took a few shots of the wall that actually worked well. Caves are one of those places that I’m scared to take images of because the light is random and it’s always lit with spot lights. Please note the images below.
This image turned out well with the light from the cave but the spotlights themselves had to be cropped out. Once those items were cropped out its lovely with the colors and the layers.
This image is taken from the cave floor up the wall. I used the camera flash for this image as the other lights were too high to illuminate the part of the wall I wanted to focus on. As the camera flash is not idea you can clearly see the shadows created from the imperfections of the wall. Those some of the shadows add to the image, some also distract from the image. Some additional cropping could assist in correcting this issue.