Seeing Photos Everywhere

In yet another of my ebooks (apparently I read more than I thought) there was a comment about how to look at everything in your day to day life.  I have really tried to take this into consideration and try to remember and repeat it to myself on a constant basis.  The way things currently sit or are positioned may not make an interesting photograph, but with small alterations or minor placement movements you may be able to arrange them into a beautiful photo.

I went out with some co-workers tonight to celebrate a birthday and for the first time noticed myself seeing these great photo ops in my day to day!  With a slight move of the things on the table it could make for a great photo, or the looks on every ones faces during part of a conversation, etc.  It really amazed me how many things I never noticed before really can be amazing!

I am excited to keep soaking all of this in and not to photograph it yet.  I know I am starting to get better, but I still have so far to go I do not want to photograph it and move on to my next subject.  I want continue imagining things and thinking about them until I have found the perfect photo.

I will be sure to keep reading and keep sharing as it’s said that you remember things better if you read, speak, and write about the subject.

HDR eBook

Finished another ebook last night.  There was a lot of great information about the 10 mistakes when creating HDR images.  I saw many things that I have done and some of my images have all 10 of the mistakes!  This weekend I am going to re-do some of my images to correct the mistakes that I have made and I will post them concurrent of each other to help show others, and myself, the reasons, and small changes that can be done to make an “OK” HDR photo a “Great” photo (well hopefully they turn out great)!  This is a practice that I am going to start here on this site and continue to do to help myself learn and remember techniques as I keep attempting to be a photographer.

Site Finally Set up

After a mess yesterday the site is finally up and there are photos online!  I am excited that I have made things this far but know that I still have a long way to go.

For some reason there are certain files that I really want to add that are not able to be uploaded, I of course am assuming this is user error and I will figure it out at some point. Thus far I have checked the meta data, file size, file name, and extension.  At this point I’m annoyed and too tired to care so I’ll continue to move forward as such for the time being.

It’s also very apparent that I need to create a nice logo and watermark to go on the images.  I’ll be trying with a few this weekend and I’m sure I’ll make something better than I have now, though, knowing me, it won’t be great.  I’m one of those annoying never satisfied sort of people.

Well, now I need to get back to my reading, so many of Trey Ratcliffs books I bought that I really need to get through. They all have great information and give me a lot to think about.  I need to read them to get me started being serious about all of this again, then I need to start focusing on technique and composition.

New to Photography

I’m still new to Photography, I’ve been playing with it for a few years.  I got the amazing opportunity to go to Tortola for my honeymoon and saw so many great things I took tons of pictures.  Like many of you I couldn’t wait to get the developed, then was disappointed to say the least.

My digital camera was about 5 years old at the time and was only a point it shoot.  The poor little Sony had been through so much I’m quite suprised it was still working anyway.  My husband bought me a new Sony A300 after that and I started learning how to use a DSLR.  I will tell you, it’s very different!

Through my 2 years with my new Sony I learned so much and took many photos.  I learned how to do settings on the camera, got a few lenses, and my photos greatly improved.  Then a friend of my mentioned HDR.  (I know, I’m way behind in the photography world).  My current Sony wasn’t capable of that and I had an opportunity to take some shots inside a print press that I thought would be great in HDR.  I moved on and upgraded again, though I don’t think I’m giving up my Sony.

Since that time I have been reading everything I can, asking questions, and showing people my work.  I want to continue to grow into the world of photography and improve my skills.  I know that I have a lot of learning to do but I hope that in posting on this site that I will receive comments from all of you to help me!