A few weeks ago I had the o
opportunity to go to Denver for my company and shoot even photos. You can read about the amazing opportunity that they gave me on my blog here. While I was there I was able to stay a few extra days and stay with my cousin, back in the day we were great friends. Our families did everything together and shortly before I moved to Florida she moved from the piano to the guitar and singing. Even then I was amazed with her talent. I am so happy she kept it up and has formed a band. They have some great music, if you are looking for something new check out Sound of One Hand Clapping on Reverbnation. If you want more information on them or are in the Denver area and what to keep up on their upcoming shows then like them on Facebook.
Erica and Dan asked me to do a photo shoot that weekend for album covers of their upcoming release. I was absolutely ecstatic to do something like this for a band, and especially my cousin. She is such a talented individual it was a great feeling that she thought enough of my photo work to ask something like this of me. This was one of my very first portrait type of sessions and I’m thankful that it was them. They are both so easy going and laid back, we were able to just have a lot of fun and not do too much posing other than what they wanted.
Maybe I’m crazy but I think the images came out great just by talking with them and having them talk to each other and have fun rather than trying to get the perfect posed shot.
All of these photos were of course shot in color, with my Nikon D7000. I switched between the kit lens, my 105MM and a 12-24. Any black and white conversion was done post processing in Lightroom, or photoshop. I did also use On One software for a few things, just because I am very specific about what software I use for what and when.
Even after completing the shoot and going back I was almost nervous to drop them on my machine and see what they really turned out like. Having not done my portrait shots and it being so important for them I was just worried. I had scheduled to go hang out with my parents for a while so I left Erica (my cousin) with the SD cards and my laptop so she could load them and go through them. When I got back and saw how happy she was that before editing she saw images she liked it relieved my fears.
Going through and processing the images I found a new love for this kind of work. I had such a great time taking the photos, and they have become some of my favorite to process with all the personality that they each have. From this I shortly after accepted a gig to do engagement photos for another set of friends I have. Those photos have just completed processing and are out the door and in their hands. I have even agreed to do a wedding this upcoming week. I have found a second shooter to assist and am more excited than nervous.
Peter Hurley taught us at G+ Photographers Conference that when shooting portraits you are 90% therapist and 10% photographer. I think I am loving that combination and having a great time.